New Partnerships, Integrations & Developer-Facing Features
3 min readMar 11, 2020

Today, we have a few exciting announcements coming your way.

We’ve partnered up with Tik Tok to provide you all with an even more creative clipping experience.

🎉 1. x Tik Tok

Wondering how you can share your Medal clips with an even larger audience?

What better way than to share all of your 🔥 gaming clips to Tik Tok!

All you need to do is: ⬇️

  • 1. Sync your account with our app (Get it on the Play Store / App Store)
  • 2. Take a clip
  • 3. Find the clip you want to share
  • 4. Tap “Share to Tik Tok” 📲

It’s that easy!

🎮 2. Medal’s Player is now integrated on Steam

We’ve worked with our friends at Steam on a number of updates that make Medal and Steam easier to use together. Steam users capture and share millions of Medal clips every month on popular games such as CS:GO, Rust and Rocket League. This update will make it easier for developers to share high-quality clips from players and updates, while driving sales of the game.

Medal Player on Steam

When you paste a Medal link in Steam, it’ll automatically embed a Steam-enabled clip in your Steam posts, communities and announcements

“Get this on Steam” button on embedded clips and shared links

Anytime you include a steamappid in medal video links, whether embedded or through link sharing, or even in the Medal API, Medal will add a “Get this on Steam” button that will allow fans to buy the game featured on the clip through Steam, even if users re-share the clip. For more information, see the embedded player docs.

This is useful if:

  • You show the latest clips of your game on your site with our API
  • You’re just generally awesome, and want your blog visitors to be able to buy the games you’re promoting on Steam

3. Clips API

We’ve seen game developers use Medal for different purposes, whether it’s catching cheaters, collecting content around events, or seeing in real-time what’s happening in communities. The API will allow you to automate Medal to your own needs. For more information, see the API Docs.

We’re excited to see what you do with this. Please feel free to reach out with questions!

PS: If you’re into APIs, we’ve wrapped our API with Cloudflare Workers to create a public and private key management system and authorization layer around our private API. 1) We’d highly recommend it, and 2) If you’re into that kind of stuff, we are very much hiring.

We’re super excited to see what you create. Now get to postin’ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

~The Medal Team



🙌 Clip full session gameplay with 1 button and share it in under 10 seconds from PC/Mobile. Partners: